Saturday, April 16, 2016

The rewards club

Twenty-something blonde cashier at shoe store: Hi, are we a member of our rewards club?”

TD (placing four boxes on counter): No.

Cashier: Okay, give me a moment while I check these sizes. (She opens one box and looks at the tongues of both shoes to make sure the sizes match. After examining the second pair, she asks …)

Cashier: Are we a member of our rewards club?

TD: No.

Cashier (after examining the third and fourth pair). Okay, they all match up.

TD: Glad to hear it.

Cashier: Are we a member of our rewards club?

TD: Um … no.

Cashier (after scanning UPC codes on all four boxes): That comes to $231.82. Are we a member

TD (interjecting):  No! We most definitely aren't.

Cashier: Okay, slide your card. Is that credit or debit?

TD: Credit.

Cashier: Do you want your receipt in the bag?

TD: Sure.

Cashier (placing receipt in one of two bags and handing both to me): Okay then, here you go.

TD: Aren’t you going to ask us if we want to join the rewards club?

Cashier: Are you here with with someone?

TD: No. Just me.

Cashier: So why would I ask if you and someone else want to join?

TD: Because four times in the last minute you’ve asked, “Are we a member of our rewards club?”

Cashier: Well, do you want to sign up?

TD: No.

Cashier: Okay, have a nice day.

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