Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The 10 best moments of 2020

Some folks say 2020 has been the worst year ever but I’m not complaining. 

Sure, I’ve had better years, but 2020 wasn’t all that bad. Like most of you, I’ve stayed close to home, but that’s okay, we have Netflix. Our Scottish vacation had to be canceled but Loch Ness and the Isle of Skye will still be there long after COVID-19 has been eradicated.  And yes, the year started off badly in January when routine cataract surgery went awry, leaving me mostly blind in my right eye. But once elective surgeries were allowed to resume in May, I had a second operation that restored some of the vision.

Other than those blips, 2020 has been a great year. Here are 10 highlights:

1. March 26:  My two-year term on the Board of Directors of my Homeowners Association ended. No more calls from people complaining about the color their neighbors painted their front doors. No more meetings between right wing nuts and crazy left wingers to mediate whether Fox News and/or CNN should be allowed on the TVs in the fitness center. No more emails from foul old people bitching about anything and everything imaginable, from the type font on the web site to the brand of Pinot Grigio served at the annual Volunteer Appreciation event. I have my life back.

 2. May 25:  Though I ordered a single scoop of Dulce de Leche, the counter person at the Haagen Dazs Ice Cream store gave me two because she said the store was closing for good and the owner told her to get rid of it.

3. July 5:  The veterinarian was able to bring our dachshund's diarrhea -- that's what happens when you eat a gecko -- under control.

4. October 19:  I got a flu shot at our local Publix and received a $10 gift card. 

5. November 13:  NASA reported an asteroid the size of a London bus narrowly missed earth. 






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