Saturday, August 2, 2014

10 seconds guaranteed to make you smile

Truth be told, I always thought my friends who are grandparents were boring old coots with nothing else to do but prattle on and on about their kids' kids. Until I became a grandparent myself on March 19 with the arrival of Theodore Edward Dryden.

Not only is Teddy the world's cutest baby, I freely admit I am the most insufferably obnoxious grandpa in history. My greatest joys are the "Teddy-grams" of photos and/or videos my son and daughter-in-law send their far-flung families via text mail.

Here's my favorite (as of today. Tomorrow I'll have another one). It's a video of Teddy discovering something all of us learned at some point -- that a Bronx cheer is hilarious.

If you're feeling down, ten seconds after you click this video I personally guarantee you'll have a smile on your face.

And if you're already feeling pretty darned good, this will make you feel even better, compliments of the world's cutest baby.

Smartest, too.


  1. You were right about the smile, and I'm still smiling. Congratulations.

    Your California cousin Julie

  2. Glad it worked! And it's great to hear from you. Hope all is well cuz.
