tomdryden.com has obtained a copy of the job application in case you want to apply.
LISTING BUTL-HH-402 (Butler to His Holiness)
LISTING BUTL-HH-402 (Butler to His Holiness)
Thank you for applying for this vital position to help advance Christianity worldwide.
Kindly complete the brief quiz below to help us determine your worthiness.
An hour before His Holiness is to appear on the balcony to bless the poor, you notice the Holy Father's dress has a wrinkle. What do you do?
( ) Steam it using SteamBuddy Multi-Use Garment Steamer
( ) Iron it on “rayon” setting
( ) Send it to One Hour Martinizing but tell them you need it back in 50 minutes
( ) Any or all of the above but ask His Holiness to slip out of it first
In the middle of the night His Holiness buzzes you and says he can’t sleep. What should you bring him?
( ) A glass of White Zin from Vatican vineyards
( ) His favorite Vienna Boys’ Choir video
( ) Bowl of milk toast
( ) Tylenol PM
As the Papal plane is about to land, the pilot warns it is raining at your destination. You (choose all applicable answers):
( ) Locate umbrella to hold above the Holy Father as he descends the plane's steps
( ) Pray it stops
( ) Call ahead to order advance workers to erect portable pavilion to protect His Holiness
( ) Make sure moonroof of Popemobile will be closed upon landing
Which one of these does not belong on the Holy Father's bedside table?
( ) Bible
( ) Picture of Jesus in solid gold frame
( ) Copy of The DaVinci Code
( ) Secret papers detailing Vatican Bank dealings
The Holy Father is about to travel to a hot humid climate and you are packing his bags. Which one of the following is His Holiness most unlikely to need?
( ) Right Guard
( ) Summer linen dress
( ) Mist bottle containing Evian
( ) Hitler Youth membership card
Enclose recent photo of yourself and digital copy of Confirmation Certificate and email to Vatican Human Resources. If you don’t hear from us within 24 hours, you can assume the position has been filled. Thank you and have a blessed day.
( ) Right Guard
( ) Summer linen dress
( ) Mist bottle containing Evian
( ) Hitler Youth membership card
Enclose recent photo of yourself and digital copy of Confirmation Certificate and email to Vatican Human Resources. If you don’t hear from us within 24 hours, you can assume the position has been filled. Thank you and have a blessed day.
Hahahahaha! Tom, you are a total sicko and will probably burn in hell. I'll be in the tanning booth to your left.
ReplyDeleteOne thing for sure, we'll have plenty of company.